Kataloški broj: 3362934001629
Šifra proizvoda: 60470240
74,99 €
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Podaci uz artikle su prezentirani u dobroj namjeri. Mikronis d.o.o. ne odgovara za eventualne pogreške nastale u opisu proizvoda, greške prilikom štampanja te promjene u dostupnosti i cijene. Slike artikala su ilustrativne prirode te ne moraju u potpunosti odgovarati artiklima. Za sve eventualne nejasnoće možete nas kontaktirati na
Fully enjoy Thrustmaster Ecosystem on console (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S) with the new TM Sim Hub. The TM SIM HUB allows to connect up to 4 Thrustmaster add-ons simultaneously on compatible Thrustmaster wheel bases.

• Connect up to 4 Thrustmaster add-ons simultaneously on your TM Compatible wheel base
• Compatible on PS4™ with T-GT and T300-Series racing wheels
• Compatible on Xbox One® with TS-XW and TX-Series racing wheels
• Compatible on PS4™ and Xbox One® with games listed on the following website:
• The TM Sim Hub is compatible on PS4™, PS5™ & Xbox One®, Xbox Series X
S® with:
• the base of the Thrustmaster T-GT, T300-Series, TS-XW Racer and TX-Series racing wheels
• the TSS Handbrake Sparco® Mod / TSS Handbrake Sparco® Mod +
• the TH8A Add-On Shifter gearbox.
• On PS4™ and Xbox One®, the TM SIM HUB allows you to simultaneously connect up to four accessories directly to the mini-DIN connector located at the back of the compatible Thrustmaster racing wheel’s base.
• Examples of possible simultaneous connections to the TM Sim Hub:
• a TSS Handbrake Sparco® Mod in sequential mode [+/-]
• a TSS Handbrake Sparco® Mod in handbrake mode [progressive]
• a TH8A Add-On Shifter in sequential mode [+/-]
• a TH8A Add-On Shifter in “H” mode [7 + Reverse]
• Note regarding the TSS Handbrake Sparco® Mod In PS4™, PS5™ & Xbox One®, Xbox Series X
S® Games
• When the TSS Handbrake Sparco® Mod is connected to a compatible Thrustmaster racing wheel base or to the TM SIM HUB:
• sequential mode [+/-] is functional in all games, as it is associated with the wheel’s UP and DOWN paddle shifters.
• handbrake mode [progressive] is functional in games which support the handbrake function*.
  • Grupa
  • Gaming i zabava
  • Grupa
  • Gaming periferija
  • Grupa
  • Gamepad i joystick
  • Brand
  • Thrustmaster

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